The Golden Law

In Norway we have a fairytale town called Kardemommeby. In this city, they only have one law and I think it could be the constitution for all radio amateurs.

I try to follow that and here it's.

You should not bother others, you should be decent and kind, 
and otherwise you can do as you please.

Who is LA3GPA

My name is Rolf and my home location is Kolbotn. Kolbotn is located 14 km SE of Oslo, the capitol of Norway, and the QTH is 158 MASL. At my home QTH I have a nice view over the city of Oslo in the NW direction. At the SW I look out over the Oslofjord. To the West I can see to the mountains in Akershus, Vestfold and Telemark. The locator for my shack is JO59jt.

In Telemark I have a cabin at a place called Gryttjoenn (Gryttjønn) with the locator JO49am. The cabin QTH is 679 MASL and a good place to be an HAM operator. The cabin has no AC and the propagation is excellent because there are no noise from anyone around on the HF bands. The S-meter is always on zero when I don't have tuned the radiofreqency for other HAM's.

On the air I am active on almost all HF bands(from 160m to 10m),VHF UHF. Most of the time I spend on digital modes. When I use FT4 or FT8 the TX power is set to between 5 and 35 Watts. Sometimes you also will hear me on phone with the max TX power of 100 Watts. If you hear my CV signals on the air, then be patient because I'm a rookie in that mode and the speed is very slow and a often have a lot off errors. When you hear me on CW the TX power is always belowe 20 Watts.

The transceiver I use for HF is an Icom IC-7300 and the antenna at my home QTH is a EFHW multiband antenna using av 1:49 balun. The first leg is 20,4meters long and a additional leg with 2,5 meter wire. Between the two legs there is a 110 µH coil. There also is a Commond Mode Choke 8,2 meters from the fed point. When I operate from Gryttjoenn (Gryttjønn), then I use an IC-705 and a EFHW 80-10 as antenna the main antenna. I also have a 80 m long horizontal random wire with a 1:9 UnUn. 

In the Cabin there is no AC so I use a battery pack (220Ah), for the radio only, and a battery booster for 13.8V.